One night in a small town in North Carolina, fate brings together three lives: an entertainment lawyer returning home to his dying mother after years...
A Touch of Fate
A surreal and comic exploration of an office space and its inhabitants and the decorations of a living room.
*Corpus Callosum
Esther is beautiful beneath the surface, in an office where the surface is all that matters. Plus she has brains and about 100 extra pounds. Her...
Edgar organizes a salon on the topic of sexuality and arranges to use the lavish estate of Faldo as a venue. In light of the overwhelming brilliance...
Intimate Affairs
From the depths of New York's shadowy streets to the peak of its glittering skyscrapers, the eternal war of good vs. evil reaches new heights as...
Sleepless Nights
Three lovable party buds try to bail their friend out of jail. But just when the guys have mastered a plan, everything comes dangerously close to...
Half Baked