In a small Midwestern town, a deadly annual ritual unfolds when the mythical nightmare, Sawtooth Jack, rises from the cornfields and challenges the...
Dark Harvest
A musical short film
Something Better
From the producers of Paranormal Activity, Insidious, and Sinister comes Dark Skies: a supernatural thriller that follows a young family living in...
Dark Skies
After discovering their significant others are siblings, two resentful exes must spend Christmas under one roof — while hiding their romantic...
Our Little Secret
A mysterious virus hits an isolated elementary school, transforming the kids into a feral swarm of mass savages. An unlikely hero must lead a motley...
To the Beat follows 14-year-old twins Mia and Mackie Castillo - dancers since they were toddlers. Beginning at just three years old, that's been...
To the Beat!
En route to the world's largest social media convention in Australia, Logan Paul is scared to death; today is his first time flying. All of his worst...
Airplane Mode
A horror film for children. A family of archaeologists find the fifth pendant that has been missing for centuries. Unfortunately a spirit has also...
The League of Legend Keepers: Shadows
Sisterhood is tested, rivalries heat up and new bonds are formed when students go back to their performing arts school to compete for an all-expense...
To the Beat! Back 2 School
After 12 years in prison, former high school football star Eddie Palmer returns home to put his life back together—and forms an unlikely bond...