Six incredible teens out-maneuver and defeat evil everywhere as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, but this time the Power Rangers may have met their...
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
The adventures of Golden Retriever pup Napoleon and his friend, the parrot Birdo Lucci.
An ancient talking macaw named Mac becomes the saving grace for an elderly man threatened with a nursing home, when it is discovered that the talking...
The Real Macaw
A family driving through Nevada decides to take some snapshots at an out-of-the-way ghost town named Weaver, and horrible things start happening.
Billy is a boy who is trying to save a baby kangaroo called Joey when it is caught and taken to Sydney. Linda, the young daughter of the U.S....
The Pact
Ort Flack is 12 years old and lives with his mother and his sister Tegwyn in the Australian outback. The three of them also have to take care of...
That Eye, the Sky
Passion concentrates on Grainger's unusual relationship with his mother and his sexual peculiarities (especially his obsessive self-flagellation,...
After the death of his father, Tom Cooper want to modernise the family farm, and borrows a lot of money. When disaster strikes, the loan cannot be...
The Farm
The story of Claude's odyssey to save the Gumnutz Juice factory and Gumtree Lane's future. Along the way he learns the importance of family values...
Gumnutz: A Juicy Tale
A young Aboriginal policeman and a detective from the city investigate a series of apparently unmotivated murders taking place in the remote outback.
The Territorians
Scenic settings in Australia enhance this Hallmark Hall of Fame presentation, a simple yet engaging tale about a teenage girl's adjustment to a new...
The Echo of Thunder