When a Sumatran rat-monkey bites Lionel Cosgrove's mother, she's transformed into a zombie and begins killing (and transforming) the entire town...
A retrospective of Peter Jackson's "The Frighteners" featuring new interviews with the cast & crew.
No Way to Make a Living: A Look Back at 'The Frighteners'
This documentary looks at how the strings were pulled on Peter Jackson's low-budget puppet movie Meet the Feebles. An old Wellington railway shed...
Sex, Drugs and Soft Toys - The Making of Meet the Feebles
A documentary about the making of 'The Long and Short of It'.
The Making of 'The Long and Short of It'
A behind-the-scenes documentary on the making of "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring." Created by filmmaker Costa Botes (personally...
The Making of The Fellowship of the Ring