After a battle with a high-tech villain named, Saiko-Tek, the Teen Titans travel to the city of Tokyo where they find themselves embroiled in a...
Teen Titans: Trouble in Tokyo
After a comet wipes out most of life on Earth, two Valley Girls find themselves fighting against cannibal zombies and a sinister group of scientists.
Night of the Comet
Based on the popular line of plush dolls, this fun-filled feature follows Pound Puppies Cooler, Whopper (and Big Paw), and company as they try to...
Pound Puppies and the Legend of Big Paw
2015 short film
Louis & Georges
The villains of the Kids Next Door, lead by Father, join forces to resurrect the Ultimate Evil, Grandfather, a tyrant who once ruled the world many...
Codename: Kids Next Door: Operation Z.E.R.O.
Cloe, Yasmin, Jade, and Sasha must balance a school art project and preparing for prom.
Bratz the Video: Starrin' & Stylin'
A Nickelodeon television special. Jenny/XJ9 accidentally ruins everybody's day by causing massive collateral damage to the town. Shunned by everyone...
My Life as a Teenage Robot: Escape from Cluster Prime
In a series of interviews with the KND after they're all grown up, the former operatives are temporarily brought out of their decommissioned haze to...
Codename: Kids Next Door: Operation I.N.T.E.R.V.I.E.W.S.
Fueled by memories of her mother, resourceful Fei Fei builds a rocket to the moon on a mission to prove the existence of a legendary moon goddess.
Over the Moon