As a young man, Dorian Gray's beguiling innocence captured the eye of famed artist Basil Hallward. As the two enter into a close friendship, Basil...
The Picture of Dorian Gray
Bettie Page grew up in a conservative religious family in Tennessee and became a photo model sensation in 1950s New York. Bettie's legendary pin-up...
The Notorious Bettie Page
Has-been rock star Jesse Limbo ventures from a life of dereliction to New York City in search of his long-lost teenage son. While there, he...
House of Satisfaction
A pool shark takes the ultimate gamble when she kidnaps her own son and flees her ex-husband.
Turn the River
A tormented young woman haunted by a recurring dream is catapulted into a peculiar and deviant world where she is confronted by the duality of her...