This short film offers a glimpse into the life of Louis Hippolyte Lafontaine, the Chief Justice who died prematurely but left French Canada a legacy...
Louis-Hippolyte Lafontaine
In 1837, in Quebec, against a historical backdrop of rebellion against the English, we follow the sentimental drama of Simon de Bellefeuille and...
A Few Acres of Snow
The appearance is a satirical comedy that mocks the small Quebec people and its excessive religiosity.
The Appearance
A Quebec architect, working in Israel, visits a psychoanalyst to learn why he has an insatiable libido.
Seven Times a Day
Le Rossignol et les cloches
Industrial pollution causes water poisoning and generalized sickness in a nearby city and is the start of a major news scandal.
The lives of two families in Montreal.
The Doves
Linda leaves the modest family home and decides to go off and make a life for herself. She finds a job as a secretary for a married man who woos her,...
La maîtresse
A crook on the run hooks up with a criminal gang to commit a kidnapping. However, things don't go quite as planned.
And Hope to Die