Promoted to wrestling champion by chance, Tonin, known as le Bourreau de l'Ardèche, moves to Paris. He is quickly snapped up by Monsieur Bob,...
Stop the Massacre
Guillaume Dodut is a stationmaster in rural France at a station where trains no longer stop. His dream has always been to holiday in the famous...
The Trip to Biarritz
Arthur can no longer stand married life. He wants to get rid of his wife and live with his mistress. In doing so, he makes a mistake and kills his...
Rope Around the Neck
"What could be more unsettling than a man close to death whose profound arrogance drives him relentlessly to hang onto both his power and his...
François Mitterrand, à bout portant : 1993-1996
Albert Camus, la tragédie du bonheur
An account of the brief life of the writer Albert Camus (1913-1960), a Frenchman born in Algeria: his Spanish origin on the isle of Menorca, his...
Amour de vivre
Albert Camus died at 46 years old on January 4, 1960, two years after his Nobel Prize in literature. Author of “L'Etranger”, one of the...
The Lives of Albert Camus
On September 5, 1960, the trial of about twenty French activists from the "Jeanson Network" began, supporters in the metropolis of the action of the...
Manifesto of the 121