A wilderness adventure tale about a teenager (Haas) and his Native American metis friend (Musy) who become friends in a U.S. boarding school in the...
Warrior Spirit
A young ballerina opens a school after a leg injury ends her stage career. A blues musician in the same building distracts and annoys her with his...
Shades of Love: The Ballerina and the Blues
Enrique Chacon kills Oscar Romero, a Catholic archbishop in San Salvador. The CIA calls a special agent, Malko Linge, a ruined prince who lives with...
S.A.S. San Salvador
A city neighborhood is frightened by a strangler and a voyeur. The police detectives, headed by Léopold Latour, are not very efficient in...
Red Eyes
A fact-based account of ordinary citizens who found themselves arrested and imprisoned without charge for weeks during the October Crisis in 1970...
Continuing a saga that began with his previous, 1978 film, Vautours director Jean-Claude Labrecque returns with the French Canadian, Louis Pelletier...
Les années de rêves