Julie Walters stars as a single mother seemingly haunted by a sinister telephone system that seems to have become an evil intelligence in its own...
Unfair Exchanges
Lee, a Chinese man, works as a waiter in a hotel in England, despite speaking very little English. Told that a girl called Iris might be interested...
Afternoon Off
A British man on his deathbed recalls moments from his life.
Death and Transfiguration
In stark black and white, Terence Davies excavates the life of his fictional alter ego, Robert Tucker, in a narrative that slips between childhood,...
The Terence Davies Trilogy
When Denis Midgley's father is rushed to hospital, Midgley drops everything to be by his side. They've never really got on, so Midgley wants to be...
Intensive Care
Kate lives fiercely alone, cut off the from present and haunted by the memories of grief from her past.
Kate: The Good Neighbour
The play tells the story of Christine Potts, who undergoes an unexpected mastectomy, and struggles to cope with the aftermath and the deficiencies of...
Through the Night
Grace leaves her old folks' home to return to her birthplace in Lambeth, a place which has changed on the surface but at its heart is still the same.
Waterloo Sunset
Mr Wyman is an elderly man whose increasingly unreliable memory has landed him in a geriatric ward. Here he is visited by his daughters Val and...
Rolling Home