Moonwalker is a 1988 American experimental anthology musical film starring Michael Jackson. Rather than featuring one continuous narrative, the film...
Rodrigo Teaser - Tributo ao Rei do Pop
1988 MTV special following Michael Jackson on the Bad tour
Michael Jackson: Another Part of Me
A biopic drama-documentary about the 'King of Pop', that mixes real footage and new interviews with people around him (most notably his mother...
Michael Jackson: Man In The Mirror
Michael Jackson's "Dangerous Tour" still sets the bar high for every touring artist today. Outdoing himself with the "Bad Tour", which was already...
Michael Jackson: Live in Bucharest - The Dangerous Tour
The story of English rock guitarist Jeff Beck from his earliest days learning to strum on homemade guitars in Wallington, Surrey, to his teenage...
Jeff Beck: Still on the Run
Michael performed at the Parken Stadium on his 39th birthday with 60,000 fans. He was presented with a surprise birthday cake, marching band, and...
Michael Jackson: HIStory World Tour - Live in Copenhagen
The King of Pop rocks the Olympic Stadium in Munich, Germany during his concerts on June 4th and 6th, 1997, as part of the HIStory World Tour.
Michael Jackson: HIStory World Tour - Live in Munich
Michael Jackson’s legendary July 16, 1988 concert at Wembley Stadium. The concert is not a compilation of performances, but rather one complete...
Michael Jackson - Live at Wembley July 16, 1988