A coming-of-age story that follows 12-year-old Andy Nichol, a bright student who, like most kids his age, will do anything to avoid conflict for fear...
That's What I Am
In the town of Blithe Hollow, Norman Babcock can speak to the dead, but no one other than his eccentric new friend believes his ability is real. One...
Corinne is a single mother of twin 5-year-old boys, Steven and Phillip, who are diagnosed with autism. Public school officials threaten to remove...
Miracle Run
Finn and Jake must team up with the Ice King to stop a misbehaving wand.
The Wand
Dave, a young photon, who is forced out of the Sun on a journey of discovery. He must get to the Cassini Space Craft and save it from the forces of...
Quantum Quest: A Cassini Space Odyssey
When struggling voice actress, Gloria, discovers her agent failed to tell her that her claim-to-fame cartoon is being remade, she sets her sights on...
Gloria Talks Funny
Inventor Flint Lockwood creates a machine that makes clouds rain food, enabling the down-and-out citizens of Chewandswallow to feed themselves. But...
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
In a desperate search to create a follow-up to Joe Swanberg's 2011 film Uncle Kent, Kent Osborne travels to a comic book convention in San Diego...
Uncle Kent 2
Jake and Finn embark on their greatest adventure yet.
The Adventure Time Movie
Cody, Chicken Joe and Lani are back in their most epic adventure yet! The most radical surfing dream team, The Hang Five puts Cody and his friends to...
Surf's Up 2: WaveMania
A near death experience gives a young man, engaged to be married, the ability to heal people.
Healing Hands
When Jeff discovers that the bowling alley he manages is being sold, he must do everything he can to save the place he's come to call home. This is...
When Jeff Tried to Save the World
When North Korean ruler Kim Jong-il orchestrates a global terrorist plot, it's up to the heavily armed, highly specialized Team America unit to stop...
Team America: World Police
While flying a drone, a teenager sees her boyfriend cheating with the school's head cheerleader. When the cheerleader turns up murdered, her...
Cheerleader Nightmare