In a world of Love, Lies, and Prejudice; a "hard-faced" strip club owner Tim struggles to deal with his sexuality. It becomes troublesome when Tims...
T.I.M: This Is Me
The true story of Robert Elliot Burns, the prisoner who, after being sentenced to a Georgia chain gang, attempted two daring escapes.
The Man Who Broke 1,000 Chains
Through flashbacks, Full English Breakfast follows the violent career of Dave Bishop (Dave Courtney) a small-time London villain who kills his way to...
Full English Breakfast
Eight guys from a crime organization in London are sent to guard a coffin.
When he is released from a young Offender's Institute, Bobby Brewer a wayward 16 year old, is forced to take to the road with his errant troubadour...
Wayfaring Stranger
A vicious gang war for drug dominance draws in a disturbed Special Forces veteran John Bradley. Trying to adjust to normal life and haunted by inner...
Instant Death
In the shadow of the Range Rover murders, drugs, violence and revenge continue to reign in a criminal underworld even darker and deadlier than before...
Bonded by Blood 2
After his last assignment ended with the death of an innocent woman, a hitman's new job in London is compromised when he is overcome with guilt, and...
A Hitman in London
A grief-stricken woman revisits an old seaside haunt where her chance meeting with a teenage boy re-opens channels of communication with the past.
Leave Now
An unassuming man has a secret past. Trouble follows wherever he goes. Unknowingly, Lisa befriends him and soon discovers the truth behind his past.
I Am Cursed
A British comedy about a bunch of bungling but lovable bank robbers, Ox and Spud are released from prison after serving twenty years in prison, it is...
Malcolm & the Magpies