Jessie Wallace stars in this BBC drama based on the turbulent life and times of Marie Lloyd, known as the 'Queen of the Music Hall', who was famous...
Miss Marie Lloyd: Queen of the Music Hall
An outspoken single mum is determined her son will go to the school of her choice, and he ends up at a private school. Only then does she discover...
A Class Apart
A young woman who has recently moved from Lebanon to London attempts to unravel the startling mysteries of her dreams and whether or not they could...
The story of how 22 year old writer Tony Warren conceived, wrote and fought for the record breaking UK TV series Coronation Street.
The Road to Coronation Street
They have always been trouble and now they are in trouble. When three generations of the Slaters - Kat, Little Mo, Lynn, Zoe and Mo - go up town, it...
Eastenders: The Slaters In Detention
Young couple Jackie and Leo move from North London to a suburban home in the green belt paradise of Southern England. At the birthday party of a...
The Dinner Party