As the world faces its Second World War, John Halder, a good, intelligent German professor, finds himself pulled into a movement with unthinkable...
National Theatre Live: Good
Twenty years after his teenage crush on a football-mad schoolgirl, Gregory is back at his old school, teaching English. When two of his pupils...
Gregory's Two Girls
A successful writer of children's books, Stephen Lewis is confronted with the unthinkable—he loses his only child, four-year-old Kate, in a...
The Child in Time
Alun arrives in Glasgow to play a gig at The Edge, a comedy club run by would-be promoter Max T. Max T should be looking after Alun, but he already...
Stand and Deliver
A drama-documentary presented by Alan Yentob, with Benedict Cumberbatch in the lead role. Every word spoken by the actors in this film is sourced...
Van Gogh: Painted with Words