The French heavy metal band captured live at Garorock, Bordeaux and Les Vieilles Charrues. The band are renowned for their environmentally-friendly...
Gojira: The Flesh Alive
This is the live set that Gojira played on April 4th in France at the Garorock Festival 2009
Gojira: Live at Garorock
Recorded on May 11th, 2017 at the Red Rocks Ampitheatre, Denver, Colorado, USA
GOJIRA - Live At Red Rocks 2017
This personal story is told from the perspective of satellite engineer and vocalist Michael Dafferner, who is a member of an unknown 'math-core'...
Why You Do This
On 26 July 2024, the largest-ever Olympic Games Opening Ceremony took place, beginning at 7.30 p.m. CET. The Opening Ceremony of the Olympic Games...
Paris 2024 Olympic Opening Ceremony
Gojira live performance in Rock in Rio 2015 | This dvd comes included in magma album.
Gojira - Magma
Recorded 21st of June 2019 at Hellfest 2019. Recorded & mixed by Johann Meyer. Additional footage & Editing by Bryce Hall.
Gojira - Hellfest 2019
Live Poland Rock Festival 2018
Gojira - Poland Rock Festival 2018