A theatrical event combining a Christmas special episode of The Chosen titled, “The Messengers,” and a night of music and Christmas...
Christmas with The Chosen: The Messengers
When David Smallbone's successful music company collapses, he moves his family from Australia to the United States in search of a brighter future....
Unsung Hero
When Ester becomes King Xerxes’ queen, her Cousin Mordecai and that despicable Haman engage in a dangerous game of intrigue for control of the...
The Book of Esther
Our life is like a movie. It has a beginning, middle, and end. We all have questions about this movie that we are in. Is this movie a tragedy? Is it...
A Rush of Hope: Find Answers to Life's Questions
for KING & COUNTRY is bringing their brand new album straight to your living room! Tune in for ‘WHAT ARE WE WAITING FOR?’ THE WORLDWIDE...
For King & Country - What Are We Waiting For? - The Worldwide Special
Live concert filmed in Fort Myers Florida including songs, God Help Me, Lamb of God, Wait for Me, You Are Loved, Beautiful Strange, Reborn, Thank...
Rebecca St. James aLive in Florida
A period musical presumably connected to the eponymous Christmas carol.
The Drummer Boy
A young woman carrying an unimaginable responsibility. A young man torn between love and honor. A jealous king who will stop at nothing to keep his...
Journey to Bethlehem
With nothing but partying and music on his mind, Jake is forced to take a hard look at himself and the ashes around him after life and his singing...
Like a Country Song
James, down on his luck and desperate for some quick cash, agrees to drive a small truck across country. He soon realizes that he's made a huge...
Embrace the most wonderful time of the year with the holiday event of the season – for KING + COUNTRY’s A Drummer Boy Christmas LIVE |...
for KING + COUNTRY's A Drummer Boy Christmas LIVE
A powerful true story of three extraordinary people devoting their lives to serving the poor and the sick of Cape Town, South Africa. Narrated by...
Living Hope
A group of friends from North Dakota travel to Tennessee for an event that will change their lives forever.
In the third installment of the Hope Youth franchise, the group travels across state lines to Wisconsin for a music festival, where they will make...
This one-hour concert special will give fans an exclusive perspective of for King & Country’s last arena show before the COVID-19 pandemic,...
The For King & Country Live Concert Film
Hosted by Country Music stars Amy Grant and Trisha Yearwood, "CMA Country Christmas" features performances by Jordan Davis, Grant, Lady A, Ashley...
CMA Country Christmas 2024