The story of the murder of Dutch comedian Jean-Louis Pisuisse and his wife, by the hands of jealous singer Tjakko Kuiper. Based on Gerben Hellinga's...
Mensch Durf Te Leven
Recording of the musical by Gerben Hellinga en Jacques Klöters, written in celebration of Louis Davids' 100th birthday.
The Son of Louis Davids
The small business of the De Sterke family is threatened when their ever-expanding neighbour, department store 'The Rising Sun', starts taking away...
The Rising Sun
A man of independent means oddly suited to survival amid the chaos of modern life, Inni Wintrop is a committed dabbler, content to casually wander...
A bored company owner decides to find out what it is like to be one of his workers. During his "transformation" he falls in love with a cafeteria...
High Heels, Real Love
In order to get more customers to their rural inn, Karel and Truus have come up with a stunt. Karel will beat the record for being buried alive....
Rigor mortis
The poet Valentijn Boecke meets his former teacher Mieke. They have a short relation. After a while Mieke appears to be pregnant. Valentijn is...
Little Blond Death
A woman takes revenge on her cheating husband by inviting his mistresses on their anniversary party. She thanks all of them and announces she's going...
Een scherzo furioso
A prisoner is found unconscious in his cell after an attempted suicide. The prison doctor is called to resuscitate the man and so must face an...
The Oath