Based on the wraparound story penned by Clive Barker in the author's "Books of Blood" collection, the story centers on a paranormal expert who, while...
Book of Blood
A teenage boy is gunned down outside a nightclub and a young girl dies in a hit and run in two seemingly unrelated deaths. Deeva Jani, returns home...
Major Bill Cage is an officer who has never seen a day of combat when he is unceremoniously demoted and dropped into combat. Cage is killed within...
Edge of Tomorrow
The powerful and inspiring story of Andy Woodward, one of the first footballers to come forward with allegations of sexual abuse in the national...
Dramatic retelling of the fateful last voyage of the Nantucket whaleship Essex. When the Essex is attacked and sunk by a sperm whale in November...
The Whale
A raucous black comedy about a gang of Grimsby Trawler-men who carry out the heist of a lifetime.
Three Day Millionaire
Regent Horthy is the leader of Hungary and a German ally, but his favorable standing with Hitler changes as the war comes to an end. Forced to cede...
Walking with the Enemy
During the busy run-up to Christmas, a single-take snapshot of the immense stress and skills of a talented head chef reveals that things are about to...
Boiling Point
Live Aid was not only “the day rock’n’roll changed the world,” it was also the source of countless backstage music industry...
Backstage At Live Aid
A team of treasure hunters in the Arctic are attacked by ferocious snow beasts. Before long, the adventure is no longer about finding riches -...
Rage of the Yeti