In the barrio of Oak Springs lives a strong and stubborn group of elderly friends who refuse to be gentrified. Their leader, Lupita, keeps them...
Bingo Hell
In the year 2057, a greedy CEO takes control of the Earth, and it's up to his rebellious daughter and a cyberpunk hacker to save mankind.
The Stratum
Pregnant and incarcerated, Aria fights for her most precious connection against a system designed to isolate her.
The Bond
A woman mourning her father's passing is tormented by memories of a mother she never knew. A presence reveals secrets hidden within her family home.
The Blue Drum
Operator is a stop motion animated web series about a corporation that unleashes a plague of bio-mechanical parasites to enslave its workers. In this...
Operator: Episode 3
Operator is a stopmotion webseries about an evil corporation that enslaves its workers by releasing a plague of bio-mechanical parasites.
Operator: Episode 2
Mona and her ex-girlfriend, Jules, broke up six months ago and they still can't manage to have a conversation that doesn't dissolve into an argument....
Probable Robot
Remember Us
A series of alien museums begin to show all over the world, two men bound by fate try to stop their influence.
Anemoia, or Scenes from the Future
A tale of self-rediscovery seen through the eyes of a grief-stricken trumpeter, who finds salvation in a lighthouse and its two suicidal visitors.
I'm Beginning To See the Light
A baseball drama about two retired players who continue their "duel" at the mound, while they struggle to find their place in life.
Duel at the Mound
In a dystopian future where telepaths are deployed at the service of a militant regime, a mute girl takes revenge on her father's killer while...
Upon receiving a mysterious letter that her mother's grave has been vandalized, Marie travels to the desolate island town where she's buried. Just as...
The fates of two New Mexican families collide at a Dia de los Muertos celebration in a uranium-tainted church.
Radon’s Daughters
A single father deceived into a treacherous career as the grim reaper, while his precocious daughter Collette (Cech) grows increasingly suspicious of...
Late to work, a man unwittingly installs a dangerous software update in his car.