While trying to get their lives back on track after the loss of their four year old son, Bryn and Paul Shaw move to the charming old Beacon...
The Beacon
In Dallas, witnesses against a drug-lord are murdered in a safe-house.The testimony of FBI agents becomes the only chance to keep him in prison. They...
Walking Tall: Lone Justice
A serial killer terrorizes the horror-stricken town of Canyon City. Plagued by a 10-year-old tale of the mysterious murder of Devon Anderson, this...
Devon's Ghost: Legend of the Bloody Boy
An 'urban explorer' is blackmailed into infiltrating a derelict building on the eve of its demolition in the hope he can recover a forgotten treasure.
A dire warning of a wake up call of what might be our future when a globalist terrorist organization aligned with the United Nations disables the...
When best friends, Kaitlin and Maddy, go missing during Spring Break, their mothers do everything they can to find them, while realizing that their...
Gone Missing
A mysterious stranger rolls into town on a unique motorcycle. All he carries is the bible and a desire for justice. Past vengeance collides as Ryder...
Missionary Man