This teenage drama deals with the emotional chaos of a high school graduate at the beginning of a new period of his life. 19-year-old Daniel is...
No Regrets
Für den unbekannten Hund
Because the war is not for him, the young soldier Albert deserts. He wants to wait out the end of World War II on his parents' farm in East Prussia....
3 Tage 44
In rural Westphalia, Franz Berger struggles to keep his inn open. On this day, a bluff, overbearing bully, Hermann Walzer, has booked the dining room...
The Wedding Party
Der blinde Fleck
The year is 1981, the German New Wave is at the peak. Harry, otherwise Sparkasse trainee, wants to make it big as a manager of the band of his...
Wasted Youth
Monogamie für Anfänger
Das Leben der Philosophen
Inspector Dupin actually wanted to spend his honeymoon with his wife Claire in a famous wine region, but when a murder occurs, the vacation is over.
Inspector Dupin: Brittany's Glory
Living in seclusion from the rest of the world, Daniel Bauer goes about his job as a gardener in the botanical gardens. A rather inconspicuous young...
Hip hoppers Yogi and Kemel dream of a big break in the music business. But just before an important competition, another band steals the song from...
Ein krasser Deal
Once upon a time there was a miller who had three sons. When the miller died, the three sons shared the inheritance. The oldest, Hermann, got the...
Der gestiefelte Kater
Eine gute Mutter
The peat farmer Hannes Gerhards wants his girlfriend Helen Dahms from the city to pull him to the countryside. As in peat cutting work the skull of a...
Das Mädchen aus dem Totenmoor
Five toilets - five stories! This pitch black comedy relentlessly illuminates the darkest corners of society, thereby revealing a colorful potpourri...
Toilet Stories
Er und Sie
Actually, Kathi should be happy: her best friend Caro marries and wishes on top of Kathi as a maid of honor. Would not it be the unspeakable...
Heiraten ist nichts für Feiglinge
Remarque - Sein Weg zum Ruhm
Die Abschaffung
Väter - Denn sie wissen nicht was sich tut
Doppelzimmer für drei
It's Men's Day, Men's Day, Father's Day, Ascension Day - many terms, one date, but always a reason to celebrate. Having just finished school, five...
Ruhige Lage, nette Aussicht
The firefighter Erik wants to make a proposal to his girlfriend Sofie, but at the crucial moment sparkles the attractive Melissa in between. When...
Ich schenk dir einen Seitensprung
GDR 1985: Within a 24-hour interrogation an officer of the East German secret police STASI is trying to force engineer Jürgen Schulz to withdraw...
The Clarification of a Fact
Katie Fforde - Emmas Geheimnis