Three students Ramzi, Sam and Sahar sent by their psychology teacher Nour to a Lebanese village Ain AL Jen to investigate a series of supernatural...
Insan Hayawan Chay
In a war-ravaged Syrian neighborhood, a musician struggles to rebuild his piano after it is destroyed by terrorists.
Nocturne in Black
Hani returns to his village in Lebanon, which he finds deserted and hostile. In this country, the end of the road for lost souls, Hani must learn to...
Four people from an Arab generation roaming over the ruins of ideologies, causes and virtues of their predecessors. It portrays their intellectual...
The Beach House
Beirut, on an autumn day. The city is on the edge of chaos, but for Maya, Tarek, Yasmina and Rami, aged between 17 and 22 years old, it is just an...
One of These Days
Under the imminent threat of Lebanon's garbage crisis, Hala, a wild child inside of a woman, is the only one to refuse evacuation, clinging to...
Hanna, a melancholic woman, comes to Lebanon after 12 years absence. She wants to find her twin brother who has been kidnapped during the Lebanese...
Faced with an impossible choice, a young man discovers he is dead 8 years earlier to his decided time, that divine mistake can be only corrected by...
In a remote, isolated Lebanese village surrounded by land mines, Muslims and Christians live together in peace. As civil strife starts to engulf the...
Where Do We Go Now?
In a war-torn Middle Eastern city where music has been banned by Islamic extremists, Karim, a brilliant musician, struggles to rebuild his destroyed...
Broken Keys