Derrick is a struggling law student who takes a job as an awards show seat filler to make ends meet. One day, he is seated next to the beautiful pop...
The Seat Filler
A young and expecting mother suffers a horrific abandonment as she understands the cost of what it means to love and be loved.
Essere Amato
Carter Frazier looks to salvage his foundering life by finding a famous lost work of art that's gone missing in far away Marfa, Texas.
Far Marfa
Vessel is the story of the passengers of Flight 298, a red-eye on its way from Boston to San Francisco. Midway through the flight the passengers...
Once discovering his younger brother was honored with a dish before him, an aging stand-up comedian stages a fake robbery at his parent's Italian...
The Warm-Up Guy
The film follows three young men as they are drawn into lives of crime. Nick (Crowley) uses his entry-level corporate job to commit credit card fraud...
Sucker Free City
A group of friends including Brady Turner, Claire and Duncan McKay go out on a boat trip on a lake in Southern California, but their joyful weekend...
Annette might be judgmental, critical, and a total perfectionist—but only of the most charming variety. When she suddenly perceives that her...
It Happened in L.A.
A surrealist biographical documentary about trailblazing electronic musician and animal rights activist Moby.
Moby Doc
The story of a streetwise party girl who gets mixed up in a violent drug deal and finds a possible way out - by masquerading as a Catholic nun.