For having wanted to defend a young girl accused of theft, a comedian finds himself in prison. Embarked in spite of himself in an escape attempt, he...
In a futuristic society, contestants pit their survival skills against each other in a fight to the death for cash prizes, and the contest is aired...
The Prize of Peril
A streetwise Paris policeman who takes kickbacks from the minor criminals on his beat to allow them to continue is assigned an idealistic new partner...
My New Partner
The film begins with a flashback from the titular character, Antoine. We are introduced to his fixation with female hairdressers which began at a...
The Hairdresser's Husband
A criminal shows up at a farmhouse with the law on his heels and several million dollars in his possession.
Dog Day
12 balles dans la peau pour Pierre Laval
To get royal backing on a needed drainage project, a poor French lord must learn to play the delicate games of wit at court at Versailles.