The plot revolves around the personal turmoil faced by the parents of a child who is to be inducted into priesthood by a monastery. The boy who led a...
The story follows Abdullah (Mohanlal) who is hired by the members of a wealthy royal family to assassinate the family head Maharaja Udayavarma...
His Highness Abdullah
This film tells the story of a singer who loves his teacher's daughter.
Aryan movie is all about Devanarayan (Mohanlal) who is a Brahmin priest who is falsely accused of theft and forced to leave his village in Kerala. He...
Swathi Thirunal takes over the throne of Travancore from his aunt Gowri Parvati Bayi at the age of sixteen. He goes on to becomes the legendary...
Swathi Thirunal
Thattakam is a 1998 Indian Malayalam film directed by Ramesh Das and starring Nedumudi Venu and Ranjitha in the lead roles.