In this experimental film, Borden explores the dynamics among the members of a woman’s group. As she interviews people who know them, such as...
A documentary featuring the cast and crew of "Near Dark" reminiscing about the film's production.
Living in Darkness
In near-future New York, ten years after the “social-democratic war of liberation,” diverse groups of women organize a feminist uprising...
Born in Flames
Kathryn Bigelow talks about the work of film director Douglas Sirk.
Beyond Melodrama: Kathryn Bigelow on Douglas Sirk
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy...
And the Oscar Goes To...
"Done To" (sometimes called "It Is, Done To") consists of simple camera frames which are silent and/or unconnected to a complex soundtrack running...
Done To
Interviews with women directors working in Hollywood and Europe in the early 1990s, exploring the opportunities and obstacles that face them. A...
Cinefile: Reel Women
A two-part tape of a video performance done on January 22, 1974, at 112 Greene Street (as part of the Video Performance Exhibition), structured on a...
Prisoner's Dilemma
A Personal Journey with Martin Scorsese Through American Movies