A group of filmmakers investigate the legend of America's first serial killer, Jeremiah Godslight. However, they get more than they bargained for and...
Dormant Evil
Little Christina watched Sammy the Elf kill her family. When he returns to punish the naughty in a small midwest town, she must save her daughter...
He Knows
Tells a number of stories that take place on the day in which our world comes to its end.
F'd: Tales from the End Times
Larry discovers his estranged sister, Kitty, has committed suicide. He recounts a fateful day, when the two were children playing in their...
The Last Rung on the Ladder
A man on the run from a brutal murder hides in the last place anyone will look for him, Michigan's frozen Upper Peninsula. When a wrong move gives...
Nowhere, Michigan
When a young war vet returns home from Afghanistan, he struggles to find joy in the life he once knew. As he comes close to giving up all hope, his...
A Christmas Hero
Sparks fly between a woman and a firefighter when she returns home to Holly, Michigan, to plan her best friend's wedding.
A Fireman for Christmas