Lord Mito, with his companions, comes to Sakai, Senshu, where the annual Minato Festival takes place. During the celebration, a mysterious incident...
Travels of Lord Mito: The Abominable Giant Monks
A dynamic story depicting the rise to power of Oda Nobunaga. The story of a young man on the battlefields of the Sengoku era, who possessed character...
Young Ruddy Warrior: Nobunaga Oda
A series of grisly murders with strange claw marks lead Mito Komon into discovering a deadly plan that involves a strange gorilla creature.
Travels of Lord Mito Pt.7
Sekki shichihenge
1954 Japanese movie
Sanada Ten Braves
Bright samurai movie innovatively adapted from a classic story. A traveling masterless samurai is asked by a daughter of an established samurai...
Eight Views of Samurai
Early adaptation of the book "The Inugami Clan", featuring the detective Kōsuke Kindaichi.
Inugami-ke no nazo: Akuma wa odoru
続南国太平記 薩南の嵐
Nangoku Taiheiki
爆笑天国 とんち教室
The orphaned son of a count who was assassinated by his subordinates in a conspiracy during the Pacific War becomes obsessed with taking revenge on...
Five Paths to Revenge
A thrilling historical drama that revolves around the exoneration of a falsely accused family, the protection of a fallen merchant house, and the...
大岡政談 血煙り地蔵
1716, Yoshimune becomes the 8th Shogun as high Shogunate officials are attacked. While the government tries to keep these incidents under wraps, they...
Samurai Hawk
Go master Matashichiro Ryuzoji, during the game, was killed in anger by the Lord of the Nabeshima clan, Hizen-no-kami. The mother of the murdered...
Feline Spirit
Kondo Isami, the “Devil” commander of the Shinsengumi was one of Japan’s greatest national heroes and a peerless swordsman who...
Fall of the Shogun's Militia
In Numada, Jyoshu, Seijun's mistress dies a horrible death at the hands of a gang of vicious vassals plotting to embezzle the Kuroda family, and her...
The Phantom Cat
As a result of illness and unemployment, Yamaoka Tatewaki, a "Hatamoto" (or direct vassal of the Shogun), pawned his family heirloom, a valuable Gosu...
Case of a Young Lord 1
Her Captive Gamblers
Jirocho's Home-Coming
Jirocho and his followers chase the Kurokomas into the Kai Province.
Jirocho Strikes a Daring Blow
A wandering Jirocho stumbles upon his wife's possible murder and has other adventures while on the run.
Jirocho, the Hunted
Jirocho the gambler hits the road.
Jirocho Begins His Roving Life
Jirocho's New Year
One of Japan's most enduring stories is the true-life yakuza boss Jirocho of Shimizu and his gang as they took over the Tokaido Highroad and went on...
The Man Who Came to Shimizu Harbor
Based on the novel of the same name by Seichô Matsumoto.
Without Complaint
One of the great stories from Japan’s rich history comes to life in this true tale of the bloody showdown between two rival yakuza gangs in the...
A Spectacular Showdown
Four Swordsmen of Ashura