A tale of murder, crime and punishment set in the summer of 1949. Ed Crane, a barber in a small California town, is dissatisfied with his life, but...
The Man Who Wasn't There
Madeline is married to Ernest, who was once arch-rival Helen's fiance. After recovering from a mental breakdown, Helen vows to kill Madeline and...
Death Becomes Her
Rows is a psychological thriller, a Gothic fantasy inspired by Grimm's tales. A young woman, Rose, is tasked by her developer father to deliver an...
Tom, greeting-card writer and hopeless romantic, is caught completely off-guard when his girlfriend, Summer, suddenly dumps him. He reflects on their...
(500) Days of Summer
In 2019, Lincoln Six-Echo is a resident of a seemingly "Utopian" but contained facility. Like all of the inhabitants of this carefully-controlled...
The Island
After killing the owner of a B-rated strip club, Burt, an indulgent vampire with a zest for life, hides out (and dopes up) at an upscale drug den,...
The Bloody Indulgent
These two Don Quixote's set out to do good in the world through crass yet innocent means and by fluke, and simple desire, they actually do good....
Bad Dog and Superhero
For thousands of years, evidence of life after death has eluded mankind. Science is about to change that. With the help of a physicist, a blind...
Einstein's God Model