When Elaine, an adventurous young woman from Germany, arrives in New York City, she sets out to be a famous writer. After a brief stint at a mundane...
Forever, Lulu
A New York City drug dealer decides to get out of the business, but has to flee from mobsters.
Alphabet City
A slice-of-life story unfolds inside The Florentine, a bar in a Pennsylvania steel town whose brightest days are behind it, leaving behind many of...
The Florentine
The flamethrower-wielding vigilante John Eastland returns to rid New York of a drug lord and his gang.
Exterminator 2
New York City detective Daniel Ciello agrees to help the United States Department of Justice help eliminate corruption in the police department, as...
Prince of the City
Architect/vigilante Paul Kersey arrives back in New York City and is forcibly recruited by a crooked police chief to fight street crime caused by a...
Death Wish 3
Haunted by childhood memories of his father's murder, Frank Carroll, a private detective/circus clown, sets out on a mission of vengeance. Jingles...
A Clown in Babylon