This true story, which takes place in Fort Campbell, KY, tells the heart-wrenching story of the life and tragic death of soldier Barry Winchell. His...
Soldier's Girl
A sequel to the 1977 film Outrageous! Too Outrageous! is about the further adventures of Robin Turner, a gay hairdresser-turned-drag queen nightclub...
Too Outrageous!
When blonde bombshell Meredith Lake breezes into his office, New York private eye Bob Signorelli can't resist giving her "personal" attention. But...
Face Down
Three friends become estranged following a disastrous holiday talent show performance and, a decade later, are sent back in time to relive their...
Mistletoe Time Machine
Oscar and Peter land a career-making opportunity when a Chicago tycoon chooses them to compete for the design of a cultural center. The tycoon...
Three to Tango
As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor...
Saw 3D
Top student Jane Ryan heads to Manhattan for a college-scholarship competition. Her rebellious twin Roxy Ryan goes along to crash a video shoot. But...
New York Minute
An artist's daughter comes to terms with her mother's rough life and the connection they share.
Looking Is the Original Sin