In suburban Chicago during the late 1980s, ten-year-old Jake Doyle embarks on a herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for...
8-Bit Christmas
Titanic: The Canadian Story is a special documentary marking the centenary of one of the most tragic shipping disasters of our time. Among the more...
Titanic: The Canadian Story
The daughter of an overbearing mother enters the rich and strange world of her deceased father — a man she never knew.
Octavio Is Dead!
In the final days of WWI a shell-shocked soldier must lead a mission deep beneath the trenches to stop a German plot that could turn the tide of the...
Trench 11
When the strain of tragedy was too much for a young couple in Appalachia, prescription pills became the medicine to ease the pain.
Back Fork
The film explores the world of firefighters in 1920s New York City and tells the story of a 16-year-old girl who will have to become a hero in order...