Alex, a boy obsessed with scary stories, is trapped by a witch in her modern, magical New York City apartment. His original hair-raising tales are...
Holiday magic has never gleamed brighter as Santa’s Elves head out on an adventure to bring every boy and girl their Christmas wish while also...
48 Christmas Wishes
After moving from New York City to Indiana, a 12 year old navigates his parents' divorce, his impending bar mitzvah and his new school's social...
13: The Musical
A ski-lodge event manager’s task of hosting a corporate Christmas party goes awry when the resort is cut off by a snowstorm and the...
Christmas on the Rocks
A father and teen daughter attend a pop concert, where they realize they're at the center of a dark and sinister event.
The Ponysitters Club has some fun at the fair.
Ponysitters Club: Fun at the Fair