Kim is expelled from his eighth school and finds himself at Volcano High where students fight to possess a treasured ancient document. Kim, who must...
Volcano High
On 31 January 1968, 31 North Korean commandos infiltrated South Korea in a failed mission to assassinate President Park Chung-hee. In revenge, the...
On a winter morning on the way to work, Kiyoung finds Gilho sleeping on the wooden bench in front of his house. Gilho is a teenager who has run away...
Big Sleep
Amid a coup, a North Korean agent escapes south with the country's injured leader in an attempt to keep him alive and prevent a Korean war.
Steel Rain
Ahn Soo-ji and Lee Jae-joon, who are oblivious to each other's real profession as secret agents, are in an ill-fated relationship. Three years later,...
My Girlfriend Is an Agent
After losing his family when he was young, Nam-soon feels no pain. He cannot feel physical pain and is emotionally barren until he meets Dong-hyeon,...
Residents, who are evicted from their homes in a designated urban renewal, demonstrate against their removal. The police arrive and attempt to end...
The Unfair