An innocent project transforms into a perilous nightmare when researcher Susan Roberts arrives in France in search of information on a deceased...
In the heart of Styria the Karnstein Family, even after their mortal deaths, rise from their tombs spreading evil in the countryside in their lust...
The Vampire Lovers
In 1830, the Karnstein heirs use the blood of an innocent to bring forth the evil that is the beautiful Mircalla - or as she was in 1710, Carmilla....
Lust for a Vampire
While dabbling in Satanism, Count Karstein resurrects Mircalla Karnstein who initiates him into vampirism. As a rash of deaths afflicts the village,...
Twins of Evil
Our heroes find themselves at the famed Cannes Film Festival to help foil a plot to murder a former American union boss cum government witness, Kyle...
The Switch