A story about of one of the darkest periods in German history, an era in which the belief in occult forces was widespread. In Bamberg, witch hunts...
Burning Souls
In post-war Germany, liberation by the Allies does not mean freedom for everyone. Hans Hoffmann is repeatedly imprisoned under Paragraph 175, which...
Great Freedom
In this case, Sascha Bergmann from LKA Graz and his colleague Anni Sulmtaler investigate the death of a young woman who is found by the novice...
A fictional account of one year in the life of Empress Elisabeth of Austria. On Christmas Eve 1877, Elisabeth, once idolized for her beauty, turns 40...
Alice and Niklas are a young couple who's biggest wish is to have a child of their own. After several failed attempts they decide to go on a holiday...
What We Wanted
Because of the power of love, the last year of Franz Kafka's life becomes his happiest. The well-known writer has never before been able to allow...
The Glory of Life