A group of trannies are violently bashed and left for dead. The surviving ladies regain consciousness, confidence, and courage ready to seek out...
Ticked-Off Trannies with Knives
A documentary about The AAA Girls (comprised of Alaska Thunderf*ck 5000, Courtney Act, and Willam), from the writing of their album "Access All...
Access All Areas: The AAA Girls Tour
Redneck women in Beaver, Oklahoma search for love and sanity. All females roles are played by biologically born men (a mix of dragqueen and...
Del Shores' follow-up to "Sordid Lives" revisits Winters, Texas for a showdown between the gradually liberalizing locals and the new fundamentalist...
A Very Sordid Wedding
No Tell Motel
A miracle pill intended to save the world causes unforeseen side-effects forcing the surviving gays and bible thumpers in a small Texas town to join...
Dead Don't Die in Dallas