The film depicts how the young Yue Fei learned martial arts, got his mighty weapon, and romanced his wife. Later he entered the national contest of...
The Decisive Battle
Comedy/romance film from Hong Kong and Taiwan.
How is the Weather Today?
Taiwanese romance film.
A True Love
Story of two white foxes who repeatedly changed into human form to do good unto others.
The White Fox
Taiwanese horror fantasy movie from 1981
Lotus Incarnation
Rare drunken film, featuring Alan Liu and Hsu Buh Liao: as two likable swordsmen, who get injured by the white haired general whilst trying to save a...
Drunken Fish, Drunken Frog, Drunken Crab
Taiwanese adventure film that reunites Ivy Ling Po with ex-Shaw stars Ching Li and Lisa Chiao Chiao.
Consolidated Dougherty
The Devilish Killer is the most dangerous fighter that ever lived...After defeating all of China’s martial art factions in a grand battle, he...
The Devilish Killer
After a devastating artillery attack on the island of Kinmen, commander Chi Liang-chen and his battery prepare a counter-attack.
The Kinmen Bombs
The owner of the old house Xiangyun Villa, Wu Jishan, died a year ago and has yet to be buried, so the residents of the neighborhood regard the place...
Shadows in the Old House