The life of famed 1930s comedienne Fanny Brice, from her early days in the Jewish slums of New York, to the height of her career with the Ziegfeld...
Funny Girl
In this romantic comedy, a 35-year-old New Yorker (Joseph Lyle Taylor, "Summer of Sam") has more experience getting out of relationships than staying...
The Breakup Artist
A young woman, on the urging of her fiancee, enters a singing contest. Then an unscrupulous promoter tries to break them up.
Sweet Beat
Her first television special to feature guest-stars, The Belle of 14th Street celebrates, in ways both comedic and heartfelt, "The Golden Age of...
The Belle of 14th Street
Biographical film based loosely on the life of 1920s stage star Jeanne Eagels.
Jeanne Eagels