While the prestigious Cannes Film Festival goes on around him, American movie producer Jesse Craig struggles to develop a pitch-worthy thriller about...
Evening in Byzantium
When an evil scientist steals his colleague's time machine his colleague's beautiful, brilliant daughter, aided by an L.A. cop and a hapless admirer,...
Time Trackers
A little girl hides a criminal in her playhouse.
The Little Woman
Documentary about the sex life of various animals.
Birds Do It, Bees Do It
A mystery novelist meticulously creates an alibi to keep her husband from being convicted of murder.
A Prowler in the Heart
After returning to Los Angeles from a group therapy session, documentary filmmaker Bob Sanders and his wife, Carol, find themselves becoming...
Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice
Wartime secret agents are on a mission to destroy a deadly new type of torpedo, hidden in a Nazi stronghold in France.
In Enemy Country
Three grown brothers journey to Brazil to rescue their plane-wrecked father who has been kidnapped by a revolutionary guerrilla.
Sullivan's Empire
After Col. Steve Austin fails to retrieve the contents of a safe owned by arms dealer Arlen Findletter, he takes up an friendly offer of a holiday in...
The Six Million Dollar Man: Wine, Women and War
Adapted from Arthur Miller's play, film focuses on a group of Frenchmen who are detained at Vichy, the capital of France while under Nazi occupation,...
Incident at Vichy