The thrilling journey of adventurers exploring a tomb to find the ancient secret treasure, the Dragon Box, a relic from the period of war between...
Dragon Hunting Mystery
A group of homeless aliens begin to migrate illegally to a small town on Earth. A young guy Wang Ergou with invisible powers is supposed to stop the...
The Invisible Man
On Planet K, unknown to anyone on Earth, three teenagers chosen by fate can travel back and forth twenty years into the future by sneezing. In the...
Escape from the 21st Century
Brotherhood of Blades 3
Children travel long distances to school in the remote Tajik region of the Pamirs. They are building their homes and moving towards a better new life.
The Sun Shines on Tashkurgan
An elite group of Chinese pilots must take part in a dangerous mission to thwart a terrorist plot and resolve a hostage situation.
Sky Hunter
Dragon Hunter
Chen Tan, a private detective in Thailand, travels to Malaysia following a series of clues found in a photo. There he searches for a man called Chai,...
As an old Boing 747 takes off for its last red-eye flight from a small Pacific island, unusual events occur intermittently. While all the passengers...
Last Flight
Cha Jing, a fearless and just hero, confronts betrayal and the battle between good and evil. Once close comrades, Cha Jing, and Tony Gu grow apart,...