A Hungarian rural gypsy settlement in the present day, in a fairy-tale landscape of rolling hills and greenery. A teenage boy is preparing for an...
Kissed By The Devil
As a result of a drug experiment, Misi will be able to travel through time, but only if he drinks from a special homemade spirit.
A másik érintése
Two physically handicapped youngsters make friends with a paralysed hitman and are commissioned by a local mafia boss. They have little to lose...
Kills on Wheels
Levél Istenhez
The three stories within Genesis explore the notion of family: a woman in her late thirties rediscovers the faith she lost as a child; a mother goes...
Csandra szekere
The film, a spin-off of the Mocro Maffia series, is about the character Tatta, played by Robert de Hoog.
Mocro Mafia: Tatta