Follows Liana Rojas (Gomez), a creatively starved stylist assistant who discovers the historical downtown Los Angeles building where her sister...
The Mannequin
A collection of original shorts exploring the unknown, the unexplained, and the unimaginable.
The Labyrinth
During a game of catch-the-boy-and-kiss-him, Emmy, a precocious ten-year-old, kisses another little girl, Alice.
The Maiden and the Princess
During a Whiton University's pledge week, the carefree partying turns deadly when brutal murders start befalling the students, sending Ellery into a...
A teenager is harassed by a blocked caller who is accessing all of his information from his Facebook page.
A friendship breakup film. "Trying" follows Nora and Sarah, two childhood best friends who haven't seen each other in almost a year, as they meet for...