The Party Animal is a documentary-style comedy about a sex-starved man, Pondo Sinatra, a 26-year-old college student whom everyone agrees is doomed...
The Party Animal
A warlock refuses to use his powers for evil, but comes across another warlock who isn't bothered by such trivial matters. In fact, the evil warlock...
Witchcraft III: The Kiss of Death
In the future, a warrior nun on roller skates must rescue a seer, who is to be sacrificed by a band of mutants.
Roller Blade Warriors: Taken by Force
A hard rock band travels to the tiny and remote town of Grand Guignol to perform. Peopled by hicks, rubes, werewolves, murderous dwarves, sex...
Hard Rock Zombies
A brainy girl turns bimbo and a football star turns brainy in order to attract each other's attention, only to discover that they liked each other...
The Girl I Want