A young man who has lost his memory, escapes from prison with three other convicts. The other men help him find back bits of his past, until they...
The Unholy Four
Texas Bill and his sidekick “Pistola” help a small community fight an evil landowner named Martin and his gang of thugs.
My Name Is Texas Bill
A young girl witnesses her mother having sex with the family dog. When her father finds out, he burns the dog alive. She is so traumatized by these...
Dog Lay Afternoon
The Benson brothers, who are smuggling guns across the Mexican border, kill King's brother and rape his wife. King must stop their illegal...
His Name Was King
James Garner is Luther Sledge, the leader of a pack of rebels who are planning to steal a stash of gold. But after the thieves actually manage to get...
A Man Called Sledge
Following the events of The Sheriff and the Satellite Kid, Sheriff Hall and H-725 (using the official identity of Charlie Warren) still get no rest...
Why Did You Pick On Me?
Bill learns that his father, during the American Civil War, was accused of theft and killed. Convinced of his innocence, Bill discovers the true...
One by One