A lawyer finds himself increasingly frustrated by the professional criminals he is called upon to defend, and hooks upon the idea of devising perfect...
The Planman
An elderly woman learns that she is dying of cancer. She and her husband leave their small farm on the Isle of Skye to visit their children to inform...
The Long Roads
Stephen Milner is a solicitor, but he fits uneasily into the world of Lewis Strange and Partners, who are an upmarket firm of solicitors. The film...
Linda and Gail are Hell's Belles - an alternative comedy double act. When success begins to beckon, they must decide whether to change their act or...
Biting the Hands
A woman looks back on her life as a political activist in Scotland from the 1950s to the 1970s.
Blood Red Roses
A steelworker in Lanarkshire, Scotland tries to save his marriage while indulging his gambling habit.
Loser's Blues