A tormented jazz musician finds himself lost in an enigmatic story involving murder, surveillance, gangsters, doppelgängers, and an impossible...
Lost Highway
A determined twelve-year-old mountain climber takes drastic action to save her injured father by planning a high-stakes bank heist, using her skills...
Catch That Kid
A showman introduces a small coastal town to a unique movie experience and capitalizes on the Cuban Missile crisis hysteria with a kitschy horror...
A close-knit group of orphans and their father-figure, Max, try to keep their home from being shut down. Helping them out are a single mom and the...
The Leftovers
A family goes to the mountains for a few days, and there they meet... Bigfoot!
A film archivist revisits the story of Rustin Parr, a hermit thought to have murdered seven children while under the possession of the Blair Witch.
The Burkittsville 7
Playboy Thomas Fuentes has so far been able to skate by in life on good looks and charm alone. But when his duplicitous relationships with three...
Chasing Papi
A husband tries to keep his comatose wife alive by allowing doctors to terminate her pregnancy. Hearing about this, anti-abortion protesters start a...
Absolute Strangers
After being charged with hacking into the Pentagon security system, computer-whiz Josh Martin is kidnapped during house arrest and delivered to a...
Blackout sur Los Angeles
Not long after they cross paths at an art gallery, architect Ray Reardon and hypnotically sensual Lena are married with children. But as strange...
Dream Lover
After a car crash sends repressed cartoonist Stu into a coma, he and the mischievous Monkeybone, his hilarious alter-ego, wake up in a wacked-out...
This year, Santa’s daughter takes her first trip away from the North Pole during the Christmas season hoping to find adventure and love in...
Annie Claus Is Coming to Town
The extravagant cop Michael Dooley needs some help to fight a drug dealer who has tried to kill him. A "friend" gives him a dog named Jerry Lee...
Angela Bennett is a freelance computer systems analyst who tracks down software viruses. At night she hooks up to the internet and chats to others...
The Net
The take-down of an infamous leader of a small polygamous Mormon fundamentalist group, who ordered assassinations of his opponents.
Prophet of Evil: The Ervil LeBaron Story