The film tells, through the stories of four characters whose lives, in different forms and manners, are either changed or endangered by shoes, an...
Holy Shoes
Davide is a shy and nerdy 13-year-old teenager who lives in Rome, in the Esquilino district, with his mum Asia. He spends his days with his friend...
Grosso guaio all'Esquilino - La leggenda del Kung Fu
A documentary crossing all aspects of Sophia Loren's life: cinema, entertainment, private life, triumphs, challenges, suffering. How was the star...
Frank, a school dropout, meets Nina, a teenage wife and mom seeking education. As they study together, their bond grows, redefining family and...
The Story of Frank and Nina
Carmela is thirty, beautiful and as untamed as an horsewoman. She is jobless and struggles to get by on her own, doing small day-to-day tasks. She...
Rose Stone Star
A unique portrayal of two young amateur actresses embarking on a journey that will forever change their lives as they star in the most eagerly...
My True Brilliant Friend
In the near future, the southern Italian city of Taranto is surrounded by barbed wire that no one, not even the police, dares to cross. The poorest...
A young girl is witness to her father's destiny.