Imelda, a larger-than-life character inspired by the director's grandmother, sets herself on a quest to settle old scores before celebrating her...
The 12 Tasks of Imelda
In an era of political correctness, identity evolution, protests, cultural scandals, activism, media storms, and other disputes, Jean-Michel, a...
Robert Lepage directed this Canadian comedy, filmed in black and white and color and adapted from Lepage's play The Seven Branches of the River Ota....
Pierre Lamontagne has returned to Quebec to attend his father's funeral. He meets up with his adopted brother, Marc, who has begun questioning his...
The Confessional
In this French Canadian thriller, an actress wins the role of a murder victim in a film based on the true story of an unsolved crime. She discovers...
Le Polygraphe
Jean and André have organized a birthday brunch for their 89 year-old mother, Imelda. But things turn sour when the birthday girl finds out...
Imelda 4: Le Cadeau
Imelda is now 100 years old, and she knows that the end is near. Her son Jean, a notary, helps her make that final leap from this world to the next.
Imelda 8: Mary Vone